Operation Rebound New Jersey

Challenged Athletes Foundation Operation Rebound supports those who have served, both at home and abroad. Rebound programs are premier sports and fitness programs for American military personnel, veterans and first responders with physical challenges. It provides unparalleled opportunities to pursue active, athletic lifestyles by offering access to funding for equipment and training and competition expenses, Military Medical Center Physical Training (MMCPT) and sports clinics.

You do not have to be disabled to be a part of the NJ Operation Rebound team. The purpose of the team is to spread awareness, raise money to support rebound athletes and be an active part within the NJ communities.

Operation Rebound members, staff, volunteers, West Point triathlon team and sponsors participated in this great ride from the USS Intrepid to West Point.

Challenged Athletes Foundation Operation Rebound supports those who have served, both at home and abroad. Rebound programs are premier sports and fitness programs for American military personnel, veterans and first responders with physical challenges. It provides unparalleled opportunities to pursue active, athletic lifestyles by offering access to funding for equipment and training and competition expenses, Military Medical Center Physical Training (MMCPT) and sports clinics.
From the front line to the finishline!

Latest News
The weekend of October 3rd, NJ Operation Rebound member Brandon Holiday took part in the 2015 Inaugural Back 2 Back New York Cycyling Challenge. The ride and opening ceremony started at the USS intrepid to West Point, United States Military Academy. Rebound athletes from all over the country attended and even though it wasn't the most ideal weekend with two days of rain, the participants were blessed with a sunny day on their return ride. Please go to our video page to view the weekend.

Schedule and Events
April 3rd :NJ Trail Series -New Jersey Ultra Festival-100M, 100K, 50M, 50K, 26.2M trail run; Morris
Website www.njtrailseries.com/njultrafestival
Location- New Brunswick
April 17th: Unite Half Marathon at Rutgers-13.1M, 8K run
Website: http://www.cgiracing.com/unite/
May 1st : Whippany Fire 5Alarm 5K - 5K run; Whippany
Website: http://whippanyfire.com/5k/
Location-1220 Lebanon Road, Round Valley, Lebanon, NJ US 08833
May22: Jerseyman Triathlon : triathlon, duathlons
Website: https://runsignup.com/Race/NJ/Lebanon/JerseyManTri
Location- 2 Ministry Dr, Zaraphath NJ 08890
May 28th: Team RWB 500 for the Fallen Stage#40 - 8.6 miles- 800 pm Zaraphath NJ 08890
Location- High Point, NJ
June 4th: longest day bike ride: 25,50,75,100,200 miles
Website: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/1983588
Location-Union Police Headquarters
June 10th: 830am
Special Olympics Torch Run -5k through 13.1 miles
Location- Atlantic City
June 18th: Atlantic City Bone Frog Challenge- 5K obstacle run:
Website: http://www.bonefrogchallenge.com/atlantic-city-bone-frog-sprint-2016/
June 19th Jersey ShoreTriathlon olympic, sprint triathlon:
Website http://www.splitsecondracing.net/#!jersey-shore-triathlon/ab43a
Location-Long Branch
July 10th: War at the Shore; Triathlon Sprint, Duathlon
Website: http://www.splitsecondracing.net/#!war-at-the-shore-triathlon/blz52
Location-485 Cranbury Rd, East Brunswick NJ
July 24th : Team RWB VFW Post 133 5k East Brunswick Memorial 800am
Location-Belmar, NJ
Aug 7th: Triathlon/Duathlon for Autism ; duathlon | triathlon; Belmar
Location-Milburn, NJ
Aug 20th : 2N's Anything is Possible 5K 5K run; Millburn
Sept 9th-11th Washington Dc Ride
Sept 25th Tunnel to Tower 5K run ;NYC
Oct 16th; Halloween Half Marathon and Relay 13.1M run/relay; Morristown
Website: www.superheroracing.com/events/halloween-half-marathon/
Location-Atlantic City
Oct 23rd: Atlantic City Marathon 26.2 -13.1 miles; Ac