Operation Rebound New Jersey

Michael Braxton
Atlantic City Police Community Programs Officer
iptionMichael Braxton is a decorated police officer currently working with the Atlantic City Police department. In 2014 he lost his leg due to a motorcycle accident, which he thought would end his career as an officer. With overwhelming support from his department, meeting other athletes from Challenged Athletes Foundation operation rebound, Michael has returned to work and started training as a para-athlete in track in field. He has already been a role model in the community even more so leading by example by not letting a tragic event stop his life.

Michael Boll
MichaelBoll has helped in organizing several fundraisers to raise money and awareness towards
In 2014 Sgt Boll became the event coordinator for the Operation Rebound NJ Racing Team which, benefits disabled veterans and first responders. Sgt. Boll has been an active member within the community working with Special Olympics, raising money for other chairties becuase he understsand the infomratnce of commnity and service.

Danika Viola
Danikais an occupational therapist who also happens to be a below knee amputee. She is interested in competing in paratriathlons and whatever other sports come her way!

Brian Perkins
City, State
Brian's Favorite quote "You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win without a fight." It's a quote from a song called, "Resist" by Rush

Matthew Johnson
Matthew is new to being an amputee and it has not beena year yet. He has taken the bull by the horns and participated in every sport that he possibly can. Loook to the future and for Matt to do some great things. eat things.