Sweat Fitness helping Para-athletes

Sweat Fitness in the Philadelphia, Bucks and Montgomery County area have graciously provided all para-athletes that are a part of Athletes with Disabilities Network Sports Coalition Program free memberships. These athletes are also a part of Operation Rebounds NJ racing team and will be competiting in various sporting events, like paratriathlon, duathlons and local runs, and cycling events. Our team members are very working with others in the disabled community. One of the hardest tasks for anyone is maintaing an active lifestyle especially in the winter time. Leading a less sedentary lifestyle decreases depression rates, but also shows the strength of those who are facing a life changing event that you can still enjoy life.
Thank you Sweat Fitness for helping our para-athletes in their goals to be healthy, active members in the community, and lead by example.
Matthew Johnson who has only been an amputee for a short period is taking full advantage of this gift. Stay tuned as we watch Athletes like Matt and Danika's progress and training.